From peak forecasting to supply shortage predictions, models can allow us to anticipate the impacts of COVID-19 and act more efficiently by targeting relief efforts.

    Digital Tools

    Prediction and Forecasting

    Few are the sectors unaffected by the coronavirus crisis. Whether it be healthcare systems, the global economy or even travel and leisure, the pandemic’s ramifications stretch long and wide, spurring an intricate network of potential outcomes and aftermaths.

    To better progress towards a post-COVID world, Sheltr proposes digital modeling as an important means of anticipating current and future challenges, enabling a better targeting of remedial actions.

    Other Tools

    Economic Predictions and More

    Aiming to offer comprehensive and wide-ranging prediction engines, Sheltr pushes to continuously develop new forecasting instruments accounting for all sectors from the stock exchange to transportation and energy. Our team plans on creating various models addressing the impacts of COVID-19 worldwide and business-wide, and accepts all kinds of contributions, from conceptual ideas to databases and beyond.